Sep 19, 2010

Mashable Rosabeth Kanter and Barcamps - Vicks vs Malaria Nets - Social Good Innovation Impacting the Individual and Corporate

Serendipitous  & Curious Coincidental Timing - different tweets this week on social good - more than just writing a cheque (check)  :Mia Freedman promoting Cause Marketing Vicks Road to Relief, David Gurteen tweeting Mashable & also  Rosabeth Kanter tweeting her blog post - both on social good

Gen's X & Y redefining the path of generosity laid down by Babyboomers & their parents. And many Boomers taking this new path of social capital & social entrepreneurialism too.

Kanter's article is aimed at the corporate - citing benefits arising from social good that corporates can reap economically and also less tangibly by better engagement & commitment from employees.


Mashable's article puts the legs on Kantor's premise of the benefits of social good at engaging around the values of people employees :

“Having 10 million people is more important than 10 million dollars,” said Ben Rattray, founder and CEO “For advocacy you need to mobilize people, and the web helps you mobilize people like never before.” Rather than see the community as the end goal, Rattray sees it as an important resource in the social good tool belt. “… People’s voices are more important than their pocketbooks. ...  As much as philanthropy often relies on money changing hands, Edelstein sees social good as “being conscious of what’s around you. It’s not necessarily writing a check.” Those other intangibles include community building and creating a real discourse around a problem. Social good also comes down to a feeling of participation. Donations are one-off payments — they are essential but finite. Social good, via social media, can help make those donors feel like they are part of the organization and part of the solution. It’s a win-win, where non-profits receive sustained donations and donors feel involved and engaged. If you don’t take those steps, said Edelstein, your audience won’t be there when you call for action.

Traditional fundraising certainly isn’t going to go away (nor should it), but social good does present a new set of philanthropic tools that can benefit donations, advocacy, and online communities. When asked about whether social good will stay separate from fundraising, Edelstein responded: “At some point it’s all going to be the same thing. It has to be.”


An earlier Mashable article describes how social media trends are shaping social good and I've sneaked in a few other examples from my Googlereader RSS feeds

    1. Crowdsourcing - great example from @niryendac of African ICT geeks translating Google web search interface into Chichewa enabling folks from Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia & Zimbabwe to access Google in their own language (there's also the Chichewa-English dictionary project ) 
    2. Location & Mobile Apps
    3. Mobilizing actions eg often arising out Barcamps (eg #sibsyd) or like Crisis Commons for Haiti & beyond (another Mashable social good blog post)
    4. Cause Marketing - @maifreedman's support for campaigns such as Vicks Road to Relief on Facebook is an interesting intersection of the Individual with Cause Marketing
    5. Cooperation between Non Profits & Individuals
      • citing Rosabeth Kanter's piece on need for Non Profits to reinvent themselves, be inclusive & leverage the influence of Individuals with huge social media following - a slightly different take on their traditional approach of using TV & newsprint ads featuring celebrities to gain attention & donors
      • Ashton Kutcher's achieving 90,000 malaria nets for Senegalese people - Mashable's comment : "When you see stuff like this happening, though, you can’t help but feel excited to be part of a positive movement in history for a change."
      • @QueenRania continually tweets for social good for disadvantaged across the globe


But it's not all ICT driven - sometimes Community Radio works better according to a WSIS discussion shared by @AlisonHornery

And from @Chieftech's blog post on the March 2010 Social Innovation Barcamp  : What we need is open innovation for social good, not social media 

I find it so inspiring to read of events like Social Innovation BarCamp Sydney in August 2010 (see Tony Hollingworth's #sibsyd post). So many talented folks contributing their time and talents to others for the common good, quite unselfishly. 




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Sep 15, 2010

Cloud - ICT Illawarra UOW Central IC Seminar

Amazingly attended seminar featuring - Salesforce- VMWare - ILB Computing - my notes

1.Roger Parrish - VM Ware ex ATO  - sales hype!

    • IT as a service aka Cloud
    • recapped mainframe 1960's ->client server 1980'2 -> web -> cloud 2010
    • frictionless : users vs IT provider conflicts
    • efficient pooling : on demand self managed virtual infrastructure - consumed as a service
    • cost drivers (17cents/hr ->6 cents /hr based on increased utilisation but with automation can get down to 2 cents / hr) - capital cost vs utilisation (server workloads)- zero touch infrastructure - provisioning  deployment management
    • self service - agility with control - freedom of choice - open interoperability - between clouds : pick & port but need to keep SLA's
    • elastic capacity on demand - burst when you want it - pay for service - cope with surges or sprints rather than build capability to cope with surges
    • application mobility - legacy & new apps without jeopardising SLA : existing apps - new enterprise apps SaaS apps - Datacentres - Public infrastructure - IPad driving Prosumers - Gartner study 2008 for 2009 - Cloud was at No.14 a year later Cloud was at No.2 in 2009 for 2010 - whither this year ?
    • multi tenancy - keeping them partitioned - automatic upgrades - pay as you go - real time
    • platform cloud - layer of abstraction
    • open standards based : private cloud (behind the firewall)  : public : Cloud Types : PaaS - Software as a ServiceSaaS - Elastic Compute cloud or infrastructure as a service IaaS
    • VM Ware's  offering : to link private clouds inside with outside clouds : vShield for security VCenter vCloudDirector

2. Derek Laney salesforce - sale hype !

themes :

  • why can't my work life be like my home life wrt computing apps ?
    • recapped mainframe 1960's ->client server 1980'2 -> web -> cloud 2010
    • ie massive generational shift from client service to web focus eg citrix concur cisco SaaS / cloud twitter google facebook Azure amazon PaaS / social mobile trends facebook webex citrix twitter - why can't we do this collaboration as easily as we can do on FB Twitter
    • cloud : multi tenancy - automatic upgrades - pay as you go - real time - similar technology available to SME's as large corporations
    • security - uptime 98.9 % - ISO 15489 Pts 1 & 2
    • chatter platform - development platform cloud infrastructure - build your own platforms eg mobile lectures / Avon Lady on Markbook (like being on Facebook)


  • how can I make money out of the cloud - very transaction focus
    • replace Lotus Notes - replaces orgs public websites - Japan Post (bank service)
    • app exchange -(KC comment : but some debate as to how many are really going to make money out of apps & quality of many apps)

3. Kevin Withnall  ILB Computing - local company ex VM ware customer - very practical focus - not so much sales spin

  • wants to escape complexity - some define cloud not software over the internet - he defines it as someone else's problem
  • Case Study 1 : client new office - building  new computer room - when exchange server failed : recovered data to google mail dropbox - - back ups via Amazon - using dumb terminals - rented out building and work from home
  • Case Study 2 : cut costs by 90% - telstra extensions - phone servers
  • Case Study 3 : adsl vpn - no one needed at office to do backup tapes of data - exchange server - dropbox google apps


  • Google Premier apps vs Gmail : 25Gb /user - Google docs calendar - collaborative editing like Wave (collaborating now exists in Google Docs)
  • Dropbox (vs ? can do sharing - secure - potential to delete data - replication of every document - get every version ever saved eg @driessen - Dropbox is like Twitter is evolving to what user wants
  • Evernote - remember everything application - when ATO audited them (they scanned all mail coming into operation and into Evernote) - Apps for Iphone - photo whiteboard and save to Evernote
  • Amazon S3 - storage (Dropbox uses S3) - Cloudfront sits on S3 - S3 has Wordpress plugins - Ec2 - lets you have a server image for initial booting on new disc which sort of does provisioning
  • Ratspace - Traffic speed costs - subsell hosting onto customers
  • Jungle discs - puts all yr stuff onto S3 or Ratspace - don't need to worry about tape drives - get every version of docs back 3 months - backs up hourly - tape can't do this
  • Cassandra - system Facebook's  written it -also used by Twitter - scaleability is no problem



  • Legacy apps - transition legacy apps - everything is unsupported ? plenty of customers with unsupported applications
  • Need huge amounts of bandwidth - virtualization great for legacy apps
  • Risk issues ? are we just moving the risks to somewhere elsewhere ? what if someone does the cable link through Singapore - cutting us from our servers in USA ?
  • what about - no longer solely dependent upon 1 anchor point - links that most likely to fail - adsl router fails more likely
  • VCP - Concur - reporting expense management - offline mode - can synchronise with online mode - built as though something will go wrong - building in business process continuity plan - even your own data centres have the same risk -
  • Large servers - big pipes - NBN - future
  • Next trend : Taking it to the cloud - in the pocket - mobile is the new trend - prosumer market - flash - doesn't run on IPads -
  • cloud is a matrix and gets accessed via a matrix - facilitates telecomputing
  • why SaaS ?
  • Flash mob - no software - USA San Francisco ?
  • Government clients - what's the strategy for government clients' specific needs - V Wrapper - this application must have this level of security - cannot be multitenanted - must be offshore or onshore - this applications are being met ?
  • Abstracts databases into systems by virtualisation is possible
  • Greatest security risk is the person -
  • Problem internet access if it goes down - by having local copies - salesforce offline does exist - what happens if your pc dies - paper file dies
  • business process continuity is needed across all platforms ?
  • what if your cloud provider goes broke ?
  • can't solve everything with cloud now - will it be better to do it on disk & keep - but what about keeping it up to date ?
  • computing is a 1 year 3 year 5 year plan process - how is the best way to do it?
  • ACS Oct 12 2010 event NSW website at UOW








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Sep 4, 2010

Catching up on Tweets from ALIACCESS Conference aka Librarians KM Web 2.0 Mobile Web Shared Services

No surprises at 1000's of tweets from #ALIACCESS 2010 Brisbane Conference this week. One of my work colleagues got the gong to go from our org and I am really looking forward to hearing from a live attendee and not just piecing it together via tweets, powerpoints, blogs & slideshares ! There seems to have been so many ideas across so many issues. And I learned that 2012 will be the national year of reading, and applaud ALIA's launching "Every Member an Advocate".

Some of the Conference Presentations which rated Tweet mentions : 

 I distilled the literally thousands of tweets down into a google pdf doc (embedded below) & from these emerged Key Themes for me :

Digital Libraries including Special Libraries

  • Access to technology and being blocked by IT stops innovation 
  • Only paradox of #infolit and web 2.0 is the assumption everyone can access these things 
  • We're now supporting content creators rather then information users #aliaaccess #infolit #cbruce

    #infolit #aliaaccess #cbruce started abt 20 years ago...

  • What defines an information literate person in our current information landscape? 
  • Conceptual framework of information organisation is still the same
  • talk of legacy systems in gov libraries rings true. A client-end customisable library intranet interface sounds good

  • special libraries need to sing from rooftops on how good we are. report monthly on how have helped the organisation.
  • How can we make academic libraries more fun? Experiment with technology = better support
  • Qr codes to link physical and digital library in context at point of need 
  • a(R)e roles in public, academic, law, spec & dig libraries so.. difft? 
  • Sydney TAFE is aiming for 50% online delivery 
  • People in public library environment don't want to go back to school. Formal infolit classes don't work 
  • good point about resistance to formalised learning and didactic instruction - applicable to many workplaces as well 
  • IT subjects - the physical use and production of knowledge management tools 
  • another confirmation that new tech, IT subjects, database subjects, km the important stuff taught at lib school 
  • Cloud computng and data mining. Not exactly cutting edge but ok to be reminded about them. I suppose.

  • 1% consult library web page or online catalogues 84% consult search engines OCLC report 2005.

  •  complexity of systems involved with digital delivery can lead to underestimation of time required - understatement!
  • Personalization is a top tech trend because we all want a room of our own 
  • personalization means we never have to be challenged by anything unfamiliar again
  • think digital for all your content 
  • people outside librarians vital for input to infolit

Future of Libraries

  • What is the community, learning, entertainment, social and research purpose of your library
  • Future of libraries - be innovative and creative - make the changes in your workplace - service first
  • Commitment to service, intellectual curiosity, flexibility some of the attributes needed in lib staff 
  • last question of the session! how do we make our managers see the value of libraries to our organisations? 
  • management don't care about small details. They want the big picture, adding value.
  • 'ISO ILL - something of a blunt instrument but it does work'.
  • Different library programs covering vastly different things. From IT based to more conceptual aspects or people focussed 
  • libraries staving off disaster - likened to hospice workers making the patient comfortable
  • Postgrads, researchers and academics need web 2 #infolit skills too! Not just undergrads
  • No longer just supporting library users - they are INFORMATION users or content creators

Digital Access Issues

  • Tony says that people with a print disability have been left out of the digital information revolution
  • The digital resolution has largely ignored the needs of print disabled
  • Tony from Vision Australia: large print not the answer to print disabled 
  • Disengaged, disenfranchised students disappear
  • public libs are generators of social capital 
  • Is #infolit about access? Does web 2.0 increase digital divide?
  • helping people use info in their own environment; cross platforms; diff media - what about transliteracy 
  • I never stopped to think of the complexities and difficulties of readability and its impact on access to information. 
  • big challenges with aging population and vision loss - having print disability resources available Some digital issues
  • by 2024 800000 Australians blind or vision impaired - this doesn't include other forms of print disablility

  • Print disability can include people with MS or people who cannot hold print books. Large print not suitable 

Social Media Issues

  • Social media can aid discovery and access for libraries 
  • Information knowledge and libraries are social spaces and places 
  • attitude is everything: librarian 2.0 is an attitude: u owe urself: noone owes u
  • 1. Identify your information need 
  • 2. Assess, retrieve, evaluate information. Research, network. Cut your losses or go ahead?
  • 3. Adapt information - Pilot for small wins. Still don't know if management is going to say yes

  • 4 Organise & communicate information. Sell outcomes, not facts. What is in it for MPOW.

  • Can libraries also be playzones for new technologies? Bring it on! 
  • collections traditionally held in four walls - no longer the case. 


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