I found the presentation by @Luke Grange (of Knowledge Solutions) fascinating and in places, taking me well out of my comfort zone - stretching to better understand concepts I'd parked for "later on". Nevertheless, as last speaker of the day, Luke did well to hold the audience's attention and involvement .... nb a couple of weeks after Luke tweeted this clip from Vimeo
Meanwhile, it has taken me a little while to do some reflection and deeper sensemaking of Luke's thought provoking presentation. Especially with respect to the Semantic Web and was Augmented Reality mentioned ?
Communication deficiency was to be a strong Central Theme of Luke's presentation on preventing knowledge collapse - where he highlighted the follow issues
- Lack of Communities of practice - which means problems keep occurring
- Experiencing system limitations – eg for projects this may be the lack of project audit trails
- Breakdown of systems – discovery map
- Intranets & wikis – tend to be unstructured
- Do you need structure ? Data tends to be unstructured ?
- Context matters – fast food vs library - he showed silliness of ordering a burger & fries at local library
- "Normalizing" your document collection – categorizing & taxonomies
- Neuro network(s) – does this make key info more findable ?
- Time relevance to data – microblogging/microsharing helpful here - but constrained as cannot do audit trails of Yammer & Twitter
Luke stretched a few at the next point (was late in the day too) : Semantic web leading to ontological aspects :
- I always like to see what Wikipedia has to say on concepts where I am a little hazy eg Ontology aka Information Science
- " What ontology has in common in both computer science and in philosophy is the representation of entities, ideas, and events, along with their properties and relations, according to a system of categories. "
- And on the Semantic Web ...
- " The Semantic Web is regarded as an integrator across different content and information applications and systems, and provide mechanisms for the realisation of Enterprise Information Systems. ..... It describes methods and technologies to allow machines to understand the meaning - or "semantics" - of information on the Web"
- To help explain further on semantic web and ontology : Luke showed a video clip of people at a railway station - with everyone talking at each other
- They were all really only in their own space - so not really connecting & conversing with each other and- definitely not providing the help that others were requesting
- He then spoke of searching for information on fishing as another example ...
- Eg searching for information on Deep sea trawlers vs fly fishing – there are some similarities - but a lot of differences
- yet how often do we find that when we do a google search - filtering out the irrelevant items to get to the "gold" ?
- wouldn't it be better if we could get better meaning from our online searching - if behind the scenes info bases & searching could be designed to be smarter - without being too intrusive and threatening privacy and security
- I guess that's why I really like Delicious Social Bookmarking
- ie where I can check on what others, whom I respect, have bookmarked on subjects where I have a common interest - sort of pre-filtered search
Luke then spoke on aspects of Search and Findability of needed Information
Knowledge, convenience and findability (thanks @KerrieAnne) "
- where Kate in turn referenced Nick Milton :
– we often have a hazy idea of what we want to find
– as humans we need "natural language" to ask questions, ie not just "keywords"
– the information we find can lead to building our knowledge base(s)
– but the information we find needs to be further refined
– Folksonomies are one way – use human beings to help categorise information - not just done by "professionals" - Luke showed a Pepsi ad which had us guessing : themes of Marshal arts & a brand on faces
– Luke suggested that as we grow in our understanding, this helps us to refine our query so we can get better discoveries
– so we repeat this process until we get the answer we want eg KerrieAnne's recent searching for testing of radioactive contamination of steel
– We need to feed that info back so others can gain useful / helpful knowledge too eg we can communicate or store info via email or G Drive or wiki
At this point Luke focused on Finding / Searching in context of Knowledge Sharing and Communities :
– We can do this sharing better by actively developing & enhancing participation in formal & informal networks (Luke used Prezi - however here are some of his slides)
there is a blurring between online & offline occurring – the "watercooler environment" is evolving
- eg Luke and I had shared via Twitter previously but it was at the ARK conference that we had first face to face contact
- and - likewise many attendees at June 2010 Conference on Enterprise 2.0 in Boston, had tweeted how great it was to meet people in their network face to face for the first time
– Luke mentioned that Online communities starting to meet offline eg at social media breakfasts (also Tweetups etc that occurred at June 2010 Conference on Enterprise 2.0 in Boston) - Clay Shirky also has commented on this
– he argued that it was critical to have face to face time for these online relationships – as the relationship becomes more set in stone - many studies on communities of practice have remarked on this
- also noted that Formal and informal network/channels lines are beginning to blur eg work colleagues talking about their use of email to connect with others in less formal hierarchical manner - they find it less intimidating when they are seeking help or advice to use email vs phone or letter
- referred to Anthony Williams Tapscott 'sWikinomics case study on use ofWOW (World of Warcraft) as a tool for teams
- More WOW points - peaking using VOIP technology – talk about work related things – however it does have a high authority structure – reflecting mainstream org structures ?
On to Authenticity - marketing focus : crucial to social media - in fact many are talking about this concept of authenticity - too many bots on social media - too much auto-following - is considered especially important in online community marketing & brands
- eg as explained in this slideshare "authentic brands have a story to tell that people want to be part of" & mentioned Iconic 88 (Chief Happiness Officer ?)
- interestingly - in June I attended an Illawarra Business Chamber After Hours connects-meet where Rhonda Brighton-Hall (Corp HR & Communication Senior VP of Luxottica, Asia Pacific Africa) spoke on her key points for success : again the "be authentic" message
- there is a lot of echo chamber effects as people re-tweet the same message - it reaches more people eg 6000 ++ in an hour is easily possible - but are all authentic when they tweet or re-tweet ?
- Luke mentioned a Target of Empathy around this point of his presentation
- Made the Key point : It's not just numbers of followers you have in social media - it’s about Value of those connections
- recommended Olivier Blanchard on twitter as Brandbuilder (– esp around Oct 29 2009) - more at his blog (Social Media ROI & Prinicipal Characteristics of the New Social Business)
- I found this interesting following online conv's with an old schoolmate Tim Tyler (& following his daughter's EmmaKate Tyler on her Community Girl blog)
Luke finished with these Key focus areas :
- breakdown of silo’s - increase sharing of knowledge
- interconnectivy – reconnecting company organically with outside world - relationships & sharing of knowledge
- metrics - kpi’s - do matter - but so does Value which can be intangible - not always measurable
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